Celebrating the Town’s Summer Interns on National Intern Day

The Town of Clayton is proud to recognize its dedicated summer interns in celebration of National Intern Day on July 25.
We’re committed to offering a hands-on approach with our interns, ensuring they gain the skills needed to prosper in their chosen fields. Internships play a crucial role in a student or recent graduate’s life, providing invaluable real-world experience. Our interns have immersed themselves in various departments, contributing to meaningful projects and initiatives.
We took the opportunity to sit down with each of them to hear about their favorite learning experiences. Read on to discover their insights and see how this internship is shaping their future careers.
(As pictured from left to right)
Nicole Willis: Communications and Outreach Intern, UNC-Chapel Hill Student
“I love being able to work for and promote the town I have called home my whole life! Clayton holds a special place in my heart, and I am thrilled to have this opportunity to work for a town that means so much to me.”
Coy Turnage: Engineering Intern, NC State Student
“My favorite thing about working for the Town of Clayton is the environment and the people that work here. I come to work every day and enjoy spending time with my coworkers, so I decided to come back for a second year.”
Michael Kendrat: Fire Intern, University of Maryland Global Campus Graduate
“I get an opportunity to help individuals in the emergency management field. I also love interacting with firefighters and seeing how they respond to incidents in the community.”
Andrew Lyons: Engineering Intern, NC State Masters Student
“I enjoy working for the Town of Clayton because of the people I work with. They’re been very supportive and helpful through this process.”
Emma Howrilla: Planning Intern, NC State Graduate
“My favorite part of this internship is working with such great people. There is so much opportunity here and I really love working with my team and with other departments.”
Reagan Sullivan: Community Development Intern, UNCW Student
“My favorite thing is getting to meet and interact with so many amazing people. It is a great way to get involved with my local community and see the ins and outs of Clayton.”
Izzy Council: Cultural Arts Intern, UNC-Chapel Hill Student
“I love the people that work here, and I also love what I do. It’s a fun place to work!